Earth Mother

“You say that you love your children above everything else. And yet you are stealing their future.” — Greta Thunberg

Victoria is worried about the climate crisis. And the amount of plastic she uses. And the carbon footprint of her Quorn vegetarian cocktail sausages. Never mind – she can always have a spoonful of Biscoff spread and watch a cat video to take her mind off it.

Earth Mother is a new show in development about the climate emergency and mental health, with the support of Arts Council England, The Point, MAST Mayflower Studios & Wiltshire Creative, working in partnership with University of Southampton’s Sustainability & Resilience Institute, Global Film, and Gosport Creates.

On 28th November, Victoria will be performing a work-in-progress performance at Mayflower Studios as part of SHOUT Festival. The performance will be followed by a panel discussion with the creative team alongside scientists from University of Southampton’s Sustainability & Resilience Institute. There will be cat videos. And bubbles.


The Vanishing Forest


Little Robin Red Vest